Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Poker Skills Apply To Life

The skills you learn in Texas Hold'em NL poker easily apply to life.

Patience is very important.

You may not be able to control the cards you are dealt, but you can make all the difference in how you play those cards.

Even if you are dealt some bad cards - sometimes in order to win, you got to bluff!

Winning players don't just look at their own cards and strategies, they pay attention to what they think the other players cards are and their strategies. Empathy & non-selfishness are important in life and in poker.

You must pick your battles - at the card table and in life. Most of the time you make more money by folding than by playing.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

When A Door Closes, Always Look For An Opened Window

Ironically, I wrote a very long post just now and did a spell check. Everything looked great. I hit post and view post and bam - all I got was the picture and the title. No post.

So, perfect example. That was a mini death of my very first post article.

Unfortunately, I cannot rewrite what I wrote, but I'll just sum it up.

Life should be more philosophical. Many times life deals you blows. You had no control over the event - life just dealt you the cards. You get laid off from a job after 20 years, your significant other divorces you after 10 years, you lose a child, you lose a family heirloom, etc. That is life.

Rather than fill your heart and mind with grief, regret, fear, anger, sorry, etc. - choose to be adventurous. Every ending has pros and cons.

To sum it up - when the door shuts, look for the open window and go through it with an adventurous heart and mind.