Tuesday, July 20, 2010

When A Door Closes, Always Look For An Opened Window

Ironically, I wrote a very long post just now and did a spell check. Everything looked great. I hit post and view post and bam - all I got was the picture and the title. No post.

So, perfect example. That was a mini death of my very first post article.

Unfortunately, I cannot rewrite what I wrote, but I'll just sum it up.

Life should be more philosophical. Many times life deals you blows. You had no control over the event - life just dealt you the cards. You get laid off from a job after 20 years, your significant other divorces you after 10 years, you lose a child, you lose a family heirloom, etc. That is life.

Rather than fill your heart and mind with grief, regret, fear, anger, sorry, etc. - choose to be adventurous. Every ending has pros and cons.

To sum it up - when the door shuts, look for the open window and go through it with an adventurous heart and mind.

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